Seasonal Things Around Here

Seasonal Things Around Here

We've been artists most of our lives. Kim worked with ad agencies across the Minneapolis/St.Paul metro area for years as a master screen printer. Leaving the crazy hustle and bustle for a quieter lifestyle, he moved to a small western Wisconsin village and pursued life as a ceramist. 

Donna worked in the stained glass industry for years supplying commercial businesses with stained glass art pieces and restoring old masterpieces.  Moving to Alaska in 2001 opened a whole new world of glass work where Donna learned how to make glass beads.  She did this for over 20 years and still occasionally makes a set of beads now and then.

Now we are both in our golden years but we are still working just not as hard because, simply put, our bodies just don't have the energy we had 20 years ago.  Pottery comes when Kim has the urge to make some.  Throwing pot after pot is very strenuous and hard work.  It's a long and lenghty process from start to finish. Donna still works every day but the output is not what it once was. Beads took a big backseat when they met beacuse she started working with clay and helping Kim. Then covid hit and Donna taught herself to knit, dropping everything except twisting yarn into beautiful knitwear and writing her own patterns for others to use. Winter really never arrived to this part of the country this year so the knitting needles were mostly put away and it's time for something new once again.

What we are trying to say is this, we are not young anymore and we don't work as fast as we use to. Our work and designs are seasonal. Wintertime, Kim takes most months off.  Summer he is busier as we do summer markets. Autumn and winter will find Donna knitting, spring and summer are other pursuits.  Right now Donna is bringing back to life her metalsmithing which has been absent for 4 years. 

We both enjoy doing what we do when we have the time and energy to do it. Please be patient for content availability as we can only do so much these days.